Stories from June 4, 2018
“They shouldn’t see indigenous peoples only in terms of development, they shouldn't see us exclusively as projects.”
"I believe that not understanding the diverse initiatives that indigenous peoples offer can have harmful effects for our permanency in the territories."
“The word ‘indigenous,’ is rather like an imposed word…”
"The word ‘indigenous,’ is rather like an imposed word, a word recognized as external and curiously also devoid of other signs of tension, crisis, and violence...'
“Esmeraldas is a united town”
"When talking about the 'border,' I’d say tranquility, respect, equality, and peace above all else."
“My community is still stigmatized..”
"The only way that we can find more narratives and media presence of trans people is by showing the lives of each one."
“Yes, the afro people is music, dance, culture, but it is also a provider of great scientific knowledge”
The Reframed Stories Project asks people to respond to dominant themes in news coverage about themselves or issues that affect them. The stories center on the reflections of persons who...
“We are not only victims, we are not only a minority, we are indigenous women”
"...we are indigenous women, we are culture, we are tradition, we are land autonomy, we are protectors and the guarantee that we conserve Mother Nature."
“Now we are in the peace process in Colombia, and women’s voices are very important for this.”
"We have fought for this topic [political participation] a lot because we haven’t been able to achieve it yet, but we keep going.
“Women are identified as representing the territory, so women are sacred”
"We, the Arhuaco women have great importance."