“Esmeraldas is a united town”

The Reframed Stories Project asks people to respond to dominant themes and issues that appear in news coverage about their communities. These stories are reflections by people who are frequently represented by others in the media. Word clouds are created using the Media Cloud platform, a data analysis tool which examines a collection of media outlets over a specific period of time, allowing participants to analyze and discuss preliminary insights into how they might be represented in the media. The project refrains from making conclusive pronouncements about the data, and instead is a starting point that creates space for discussion about how they can help shape their own media representation through digital media.

Dayana Caicedo and Viviana Velastegui are members of Centro de juventudes de Esmeraldas (Youth Center of Esmeraldas), a human rights organization in Esmeraldas, Ecuador that works with children, teenagers, and the LGBTI community. One of its primary activities is the weekly radio program La Calle Habla (The Street Talks), a place for discussion and debate about issues facing their community. The following post is based on transcripts of interviews with Dayana and Viviana as they analyze word clouds for the words “Esmeraldas” and “Paz” (peace) and the word “Frontera,” (border) in reference to their city Esmeraldas affected by conflicts along the border it shares with Colombia.

Dayana Caicedo

How should ‘Esmeraldas’ and ‘paz’ (peace) be represented in the media?

Pienso que la palabra que debería estar es unidad, ya que Esmeraldas ante todo es un pueblo unido, siempre tratamos de salir adelante y nos interesamos en el bien común.

I think the word ‘unity’ should be there because Esmeraldas is a united town which always tries to move forward. We are interested in the common good.

Dominant words from articles published between January 2017 and April 2018 mentioning “Esmeraldas” (5339 articles) and “paz” (9184 articles) within four Media Cloud collections of Ecuador’s Spanish-language media outlets. (view larger image)

What words should a word cloud for ‘Esmeraldas’ and ‘paz’ (peace) have?

Cultura, unidad, amor.

Culture, unity, love.

Viviana Velastegui

How should youth and the border be represented in the media?

Paz, tranquilidad, resguardo

Peace, tranquility, safeguard

Dominant words from 3867 articles published between January 2017 and April 2018 mentioning “Frontera” (border) within two Media Cloud collections of Ecuador’s Spanish-language media outlets. (view larger image)

What words should a word cloud for ‘border’ have?

Cuando digo frontera diría: tranquilidad, respeto, equidad, paz ante todo.

When talking about the “border,” I’d say tranquility, respect, equality, and peace above all else.

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