“Some of the words that should be linked to feminicide should be justice and sentence”
The Reframed Stories Project asks people to respond to dominant themes and issues that appear in news coverage about their communities. These stories are reflections by people who are frequently represented by others in the media. Word clouds are created using the Media Cloud platform, a data analysis tool which examines a collection of media outlets over a specific period of time, allowing participants to analyze and discuss the preliminary insights into how they might be represented in the media. The project refrains from making conclusive pronouncements about the data, and instead is a starting point that creates space for discussion about how they can help shape their own media representation through digital media.
Angela Fuentes is based in Cochabamba, Bolivia a member of the group Mujeres de Fuego. The following is Angela's comments about the word cloud for the term “feminicidio” (feminicide).
Dominant words from 1,540 articles published between May 2017 and May 2018 mentioning “feminicidio” within 2 Media Cloud collections of Bolivia’s Spanish-language media outlets. (view larger image)
[En la nube de palabras], las palabras correctas que deberían utilizarse para explicar el feminicidio y que enmarcan dentro de la ley de Bolivia deberían ser que en un feminicidio hubo justicia sin retardación, que se otorgó una condena, una sentencia correcta, valorando la verdad material y la investigación identificó al feminicida. Se dio una atención prioritaria, se respetaron los derechos como enmarca la ley y se garantizó la protección y reparación a la familia. Se unió la sociedad civil evitando la corrupción y se demostró la especialización de los jueces para juzgar con perspectiva de género. Esas son las palabras correctas que deberían estar dentro de los medios de comunicación y no al revés, que las últimas deberían ser las primeras. Algunas de las palabras que deberían estar ligadas al feminicidio deben ser la justicia y la sentencia.
[In the word cloud], the correct words that should be used to explain feminicide and that fall within Bolivian law should be that in a feminicide there was justice without delay, that a sentence was granted, a correct sentence, valuing the material truth and the investigation that identified the feminicide. [I would like to see that] priority attention was given, rights were respected as part of the law, and protection and reparation to the family was guaranteed. That civil society joined in avoiding corruption and demonstrated the specialization of judges to judge from a gender perspective. Those are the correct words that should be in the media and not the other way around – the words at the bottom should be at the top. Some of the words that should be linked to feminicide should be ‘justice’ and ‘sentence’.
This is part of a Rising Frames series developed as part of an activity organized by Raisa Valda Ampuero of Warmi.Red and Fabiola Chambi. They helped organize a workshop held on May 30, 2018 in Cochabamba, Bolivia that brought together representatives from various collectives and groups to examine how they or issues they care about are represented in a Bolivia media collection and created stories in response to that representation.