Stories about Ecuador
We want to see “our customs, our culture, our traditions, and our way of life.”
"What we want [to appear] in this word cloud are our customs, our culture, our traditions, and our way of life."
“To show the youth’s participation in Sarayaku's historic struggle”
"I would like this word cloud to show the youth’s participation in Sarayaku's historic struggle."
“Sarayaku is not only about struggle, it also has diversity”
"Sarayaku is not only about struggle, it also has diversity such as its flora, fauna, the spirits that protect us.."
“We also want our rights to be respected.”
"our rights, especially those of women have been violated by the big transnational corporations.."
“There is ancestral knowledge in the Sarayaku indigenous community”
"there is ancestral knowledge in the Sarayaku indigenous community that goes back many years"
“Gender is a topic that involves all of us, not only women”
"I think that gender is a topic that involves all of us, not only women, and we continue to have the same discourse that gender is only about women."
“We (the youth) are the priority. Although not everyone wants to see it that way, that is the reality.”
Youth should be represented with words "like future, charismatic, cheerful, honest."
“There are some areas (of Esmeraldas) that are in conflict, but that's not the entire province.”
"Diversity, growth, rights, plurality, versatility, love, peace, unity, and other [words] fit within our town’s identity."
“The word ‘contamination’ is not there”
"I would like the word cloud to include more words related to the consequences of mining. The word 'contamination' is not there."
“They would like to tell people what they experienced during the natural disaster that struck the city.”
"...we cannot talk about bad things when there are also many good things done by us [young people] in Esmeraldas."